It’s hard to imagine that a workshop could get any better than this! How about that for a first line in a report? One of the many items discussed in this workshop was “First Lines and Openers” – and we got some great ones. In fact, it was an entire day of discussing, learning about, and sharing new YA books (fiction and nonfiction) and how to connect these resources with teen readers and ‘non-readers” alike. It’s not just an annotated list of books – it’s activity ideas, connections to CCSS, and Six Trait Writing & Literature, promoting and book-talking, web resources, ebook and audio book benefits, lesson plans, review sources and publisher websites, series and sequel lists and all the associated book awards. I’ve shared many of the ideas with classroom teachers and used some of them in the classes I teach, created book displays and bulletin boards, and have curated “possible purchase” lists. I also enjoyed the opportunity to visit with library media people in middle and high schools from the area and hear what was happening in their media centers and schools. Thank you, so much, for the chance to take part in this engaging, fun, interesting, and thought-provoking workshop. I appreciate this “gift’ so much!