The staff retreat was joyful and invigorating! I only attended one day, Friday, but wish I had been able to attend the previous night. Several things added up to a great experience…

The location: Shalom Hills Farm was beautiful. It was a great place for a conference AND to soak up the scenery.

Both presentations (Customer Service and Marketing Your Library): They were informative and enthusiastic. At the end of each one, I was itching to get back to the library to try some of the ideas. I’d like to revisit both sessions again in the future.

The agenda: The whole day was structured well. There was a refreshing balance between stimulating conversation and down-time to hang-out, eat, and wander together. The feeling of not being rushed was one of the highlights.

The food: Sharing potluck meals at Shalom Hill’s commercial kitchen was a treat – literally and figuratively.